Did you know that people in England don't know how to drive? They drive backwards AND upside down. Fortunately, Chris and Kate do know how to cross the street, so we had a minimum of near-death experiences.
There wasn't much sleeping on our flight here, but that didn't matter because Virgin is the only way to fly.
What we have done so far: Big Ben, standing in line for Westminster Abbey which was so much fun we didn't want to spoil it by actually going inside, National Portrait Gallery (seeing portraits of Paul McCartney and William what's his face, Shaksper?), National Gallery where we ran into Chris's good friend, playwright Ken Ludwig. Ken was also on the same flight crossing the Atlantic. We believe he is here for the opening of his "Treasure Island." Chris saw its premiere at Round House and was so overwhelmed he had to leave at intermission.
Most importantly, what play did Chris and Kate decide to see in the West End? Twelfth Night with Derek Jacobi won out, probably because we happened upon the theatre by accident while searching for breakfast. (Did you know British bagels are made with diamond dust? They must be because they cost about $5.00 each!)
After the play we are going to see a movie because we need to stay warm! Then it's dinner and a 10:00 flight to Bangkok! Sorry, I mean India!
Glad to hear of your London adventures. I finally checked on the time difference between DC and New Dehli - it's ten and a half hours! How strange is that? So in addition to knowing how to cross the street, it's a good think that you know how to tell time. Keep blogging!