Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kate asks, "When do we get to Chitrakoot?"

Hello, movie stars! We say that because it turns out all Americans are movie stars. At least that is how we are treated. After Khajuraho we headed to Chitrakoot. Well, that is what Kate has been told. Unfortunately, Kate took some dramamine and ended up sleeping the WHOLE DAY. So now Chris will report on Chitrakoot. Take it away, Chris:
Thanks, Kate. We are told that Chitrakoot is a "mini-Varanasi," but not having been to Varanasi yet, I can't say for sure. Chitrakoot is famous for being the spot that Rama and Sita spent 11 of their 14 years in exile. We'll tell you the whole story later. Preview: It involves a monkey-king. Appropriately enough, Chitrakoot is full of monkeys. It has a quaint bazaar where monkeys seem to annoy merchants to no end. The town also has a series of "ghats," or steps down to the river for bathing, washing clothes and religious ceremonies. We will see much more of this in Varanasi, which is the holiest city in Hinduism. Anyway, in Chitrakoot, I took a boat ride down the river and strolled along the bazaar. Kate joined me for dinner. Back to you, Kate.

Thanks, Chris. Now we are in Allahabad (pronounced Allabad) and are living the good life. We went to Nehru's house and were stopped by several students who wanted to practice their English on us. One young man told Chris that he wants to marry a girl like Kate. Aw shucks. Then we went to the spot where the Yamuna, Ganges and Saraswati rivers meet. This is considered a very holy place and people take boats to where the rivers meet. We observed several religious ceremonies but could not find out exactly what they signified. Then a young man took pictures of us and two more groups of students stopped us for conversations and pictures. (Alas, no more compliments about Kate.) Tonight we may go crazy and go to McDonald's or an Italian restaurant.

There is no USB port so we cannot show you how nice our hotel is. We regret not taking a picture of every hotel. Last night we stayed in a freezing hotel that did not have toilet paper. Now we are staying in a hotel that is nicer than any place we could afford in the U.S.

Next stop: Varanasi.

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